baldur's gate 3 mithral vein. Really hoping the armor later on is on par with the adamantine stuff. baldur's gate 3 mithral vein

 Really hoping the armor later on is on par with the adamantine stuffbaldur's gate 3 mithral vein  Although heavier armor usually provides more protection, keep in mind they may also hinder your characters' spell casting

Baldur's Gate 3. Keep the list. 2 is guaranteed since that's intended (hence the two mithril veins). A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Mithral Vein is one of the standouts in this location so it should not take you long to identify the dark grey and shining blue rock. Nothing in BG3 makes this clear enough, so don’t worry if you didn’t catch it immediately. We’ll help you find the Secluded. Baldur's Gate 3. Acquiring some adamantine gear will give you a huge advantage over enemies you encounter late in Act 1 and into Act 2. This just another part of the multiple steps required in the Escaping the asylum quest. Mithral Ore is a valuable crafting ingredient in the game Baldur’s Gate 3. CT file in order to open it. Head southwest from the Ancient Forge Waypoint. Armor Recipes in Baldur's Gate 3 lists all the known craftable Armor equipment in the game. But i play with some pause Bg3 and I have no idea where and when i sold them. Adamantine Shield Stats. To make some magic items of mythic capabilities in Baldur's Gate 3, gamers will need to mine ultra-rare Mithral Ore from a node. In the game, the fastest way to get Mithral Ore is to mine it in the Grymforge area in the Underdark. Mithral Ore is a Ingredient and Item in Baldur's Gate 3. All guides ive seen only mention the 2 near. In the game, the fastest way to get Mithral Ore is to mine it in the Grymforge area in the Underdark. Read more: How To Play Lone Wolf (Solo) In Baldur’s Gate 3. Adamantine Splint Armour is a Heavy Armor in Baldur's Gate 3. Like i said before the outcome of this does not influence the forge quest. Lava Pit near the Adamantine Forge. 0. However, it takes careful exploration to find the two locations where Mithral Veins spawn during Act 1. It will create a backup for you. The Forge can be found at X: -569 Y: 252 in Grymforge, and players need to be prepared for surprise attacks and tough battles. This pak forces the story to recompile, allowing pak mods to work with the Full Release of Baldur's Gate 3. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Pull the Lava Valve. Loot the Mithral Ore. The following list explains all the steps to get and craft Adamantine Splint Armour in BG3: Find Splint Armour Mould inside the Ancient Forge on the floor (X -597 Y: 309) Gather Mithral Ore from one of two available ore veins. As players get to the Adamantine Forge in Baldur's Gate 3 , they. I go to my favorite hot dog stand. Double-click the . Gather your party and venture forth! 1. #3. Showing 1 - 7 of 7 comments. It's also got the "Sturdy" property which automatically reduces damage below a certain threshold. For the first ore, start at the top of the ladder that leads to the Adamantine Forge, then head to the path towards the south. There's a few mithril armor pieces in the game you can find, but for some reason we don't find adamantine ore we find mithril ore that somehow makes adamantine. It perfectly captures everything that i like and enjoy about Dnd and rpg games. Once the vein's health has depleted. The. It can also be an ugly, blurry mess if you don’t have a machine capable of running it. 33Ghz. Wolfe "Mossy" Sigmund. "Showing the location for the 2 Mithril veins for the Adamantine forge in Baldurs gate 3. To get here, you'll need to do the following: Click to enlarge. The Ore is situated within Grymforge, and gaining access to this area of Baldur's Gate 3 will require you to perform several steps. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. The First Mithral Ore in Baldur’s Gate 3 [Image by eXputer] Once you’ve crossed the lava river, continue moving forward. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Gather your party and venture forth!For the Mithral Ore, players will have to head to Grymforge in the Underdark region of Baldur’s Gate 3. Go back to the forge entrance and turn right to the place where you dealt with the animated armor earlier, and then turn left and go down to the lava river. I know that currently only two mythril ore are available. Beginner Guides & Tips. The first Mithral Vein is at the coordinates X: -558, Y: 273, and the second one is at X: -646, Y. Baldur's Gate 3. You only need to use the force ability to break Mithral Vein. This guide provides everything you need. Do same process without the boss for the 2nd item. Certaines races. Baldur's Gate 3 > Allgemeine Diskussionen > Themendetails. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1. With that in mind, here's how to unlock the Adamantine Forge in Baldur's Gate 3. Adamantine Scale Mail is a Medium Armor in Baldur's Gate 3. To find the Mithral vein, make your way to the lava river south of the Ancient Forge. trekfan1013 • I cast Magic. The Underdark is a large, underground area that can be accessed through several entrances. To find the Adamantine Forge in Baldur’s Gate 3, progress the story until you reach the Underdark. So I got to the two ore locations and found I could no longer break them with a sword. Note, if you use a mod that let's you duplicate stackable items (i. Baldur's Gate 3 is full of materials with mysterious uses, such as the Dark Mind or Infernal Iron. yeah exactly instead of 1 mithral ore I have one adamantine slag and I did both spots. After dealing with the Ancient Guardians (where you discover the Scale Mail), you’ll come across a path with an earthy texture. 2 mo. There are a few exceptions, such as Infernal Iron needed for Karlach's quest and Mithral. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. Some sites I've visited have said only one item can be forged, while others say two. Following the path to the south, jump over the lava to get to the Mithral Vein. he is talking about mithril slag not the actual. Mithral Ore is an ingredient found from one of two Ore Veins in Abandoned Refuge . I can’t insert the slag into the Forge, and it appears the Veins are the only. Switch party members to somebody with high strength and have them. Switch party members to somebody with high. Beginner Guides & Tips. Cannot place mithral ore into slot. Mithral is a rare silvery, glistening metal that is lighter than iron but just as hard. Getting Started. Go around to jump over the lava and reach the Mithral vein as well as a buried chest. To make some magic items of mythic capabilities in Baldur's Gate 3, gamers will need to mine ultra-rare Mithral Ore from a node. All Simple WeaponsDont wanna make another fighter (i have played a bunch of them already). close. Loot the Mithral Ore. Beginner Guides & Tips. When you're at the forge, put a mould into the mould holder. Mithral Ore is needed for smelting powerful items in the Adamantine Forge. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. Passing each of the listed tests will open access to equipment and weapons of very rare quality: adamantine plastic and. Gather your party and venture forth! A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Then you put in the mould, mithril in the forge, pull the lever on the side to go down and turn the lava valve. Playing Baldur's Gate 3 with ADHD. Moulds. The mod does not remove the veins, but. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. ・With the other character, head South to reach the other pair of levers. Getting Started. 2M Members. You can make a total of 2 out of 6 of these moulds by collecting two pieces of Mithril Ore located in the nearby environment. Getting Started. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Anyone saying otherwise has a foggy memory. Expert Cheater. I know that currently only two mythril ore are available. Get up the platform and you'll see another Mithral Vein. Passing each of the listed tests will open access to equipment and weapons of very rare quality: adamantine plastic and scaly armor, long sword, shield, scimitar and mace. Once the platform has lowered to the bottom of the Forge, turn the valve on the opposite side to let the lava flow. Loot the Mithral Ore. 2. Head across the lava river south of the Ancient Forge waypoint to find Mithral Vein. Gather your party and venture forth!According to Dwares Deep (TSR, back in 1990) as well as Lost Empires of Faerun (WotC, 2005) it has been mined out of the Greypeak mountains in its natural state. It is used to craft powerful gear items including a sword and an armor set. All Armor by TypeThere are two Mithral ore veins you can quickly find in Baldur’s Gate 3: Southwest of the Ancient Forge Waypoint (X: -645, Y: 257) Near the Adamantine Forge (X: -555, Y: 278) Screenshot by Prima Games (click to enlarge) Be careful while traversing these areas, as obtaining the Mithral ore near the Ancient Forge waypoint requires jumping. But i play with some pause Bg3 and I have no idea where and when i sold them. To make some magic items of mythic capabilities in Baldur's Gate 3, gamers will need to mine ultra-rare Mithral Ore from a node. There are two Mithral Ore locations in BG3 or Baldur’s Gate 3 that we know of. Combine Shield Mould with Mithral Ore and you will get one of six Adamantine items. However, after the ASI at Level 4, since Shadowheart is a Cleric (class that uses Wisdom to cast), Shadowheart could have +4 Perception (while Astarion is still at +3 total). It's also got the "Sturdy" property which automatically reduces damage below a certain threshold. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. 750 Gold Pieces. Baldur's Gate 3 : Meilleures compétences, maîtrises. This article is part of a directory: Baldur's Gate 3: Complete Guide & Walkthrough. This item appears in Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn and Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. 7. trekfan1013. The eject lever is right next to the mould. Crafting: You need the Longsword Mould and Mithral Ore to forge the weapon in the Grymforge. All Armor by TypeThe Mithral Medallion is a necklace that is needed for the Lord Igen Tombelthen sub-quest of the Ranger-Protector of the Umar Hills Stronghold quest. A nimble mace, heavy with the promise of broken bones. Blood in Baldur's Gate is a murder mystery web event set in the world of Baldur's Gate 3. However, the first mithral ore I used is nowhere to be found. However, be cautious as reaching the ore near the Ancient Forge requires jumping across lava rocks to a. Mithral Ore is an extremely rare and sought-after crafting material in Baldur’s Gate 3. Ancient Temple ( Abandoned Refuge ), North West of Abandoned Refuge, across some lava, next to a cliff. You can make a total of 2 out of 6 of these moulds by collecting two pieces of Mithril Ore located in the nearby environment. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. * Great to have these hidden places and puzzles, but yes, too many jumps (is it "Baldur's Bounce" or "Baldur's Gate" ?) * I solved all by myself, but did not find the mithril ore whe I reached the forge and I was frustrated : please allow the player to find at least 1 ore really easily on the path, hinting that you can find other veins in the. The Underdark is a large, underground area that can be. RELATED: Baldur's Gate 3: All Negative Combat Status Effects, Explained. To mine mithral ore in Baldur’s Gate 3, you’ll need to travel to the Underdark and attack mithral ore deposits. . This mod provides 3 variants of the Half-Illithid Transformation veins that are less intense than Vanilla. Baldur's Gate 3 Related Guides. Still, we’ve tried to objectively list the Best Adamantine Item in Baldur’s Gate 3 below. Baldur's Gate 3 - Maggie Robertson - Orin. RELATED: Baldur's Gate 3: All Negative Combat Status Effects, Explained. Ils sont également tous deux idéalement situés dans la zone entourant l’appareil que vous utiliserez pour fabriquer des objets avec le minerai. When you're at the forge, put a mould into the mould holder. Gather your party and venture forth!In the world of Baldur’s Gate 3, magical equipment is the key to survival and success. Look for a narrow path that leads across the river. Is there any way to forge an item out of each? I noticed that the mold release gets stuck after the first item is forged. RELATED: Baldur's Gate 3: All Negative Combat Status Effects, Explained. To extract Mithril Ore from these deposits, you'll need to use a Pick or War Pick. steampowered. Loot the Mithral Ore. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. To make some magic items of mythic capabilities in Baldur's Gate 3, gamers will need to mine ultra-rare Mithral Ore from a node. They had mithral mines in Menzoberranzan where the drow trio we searching for. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. For the second ore, start from the Ancient Forge waypoint then take the path towards east. Go to the Underdark and move further south past the Grymforge. Leave one party member at the lower platform and then set the platform back to it's original position. Location: Bhaalist Crypt, Act 3. Loot the Mithral Ore. 0. 0. From the place where you picked up the last shape for the scaly armor, go down the rocky slope towards the lava river. Baldur's Gate 3 Nos jeux. In vanilla game, you're suppose to insert mould into the forge mould then insert mithril ore into the crucible where hammer strikes. Baldur's Gate 3 > General Discussions > Topic Details. Baldur's Gate 3 - Community Update #22: Power Of A Mind Flayer. Pull the Forge Lever. Considering theres like 7 moulds there should be more ore. The first location of the Mithral Ore can be reached by heading south of the Ancient Forge, then jumping over a river of lava after going down a cliff near the X: -644 Y: 257 coordinate. We will mark them both for you in the screenshot below. Baldur's Gate 3 is available now on PC, with a. . By Jack Salter and Noah Nelson September 20, 2023 Screenshot: PC Invasion After traversing the Underdark in Baldur’s Gate 3, you’ll enter the Grymdark. Completing The Adamantine Forge will progress the. e. Use the Detect Magic spell:. This article is part of a directory: Baldur's Gate 3: Complete Guide & WalkthroughBaldur's Gate 3 Mithral Ore location for Adamantine Forge. Mithril Vein #1. Gather your party and venture forth!Where To Find Mithril Ore. Jump across the rocks to find the vein (X:-645, Y:255). Cruza el espacio para llegar a la veta de mithral en las coordenadas X: -646, Y: 257. The Adamantine Forge is a powerful crafting opportunity in Baldur's Gate 3. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Versatile. Switch party members to somebody with high. You will see the vein on the wall near. Armour Class: +2 AC. Beginner Guides & Tips. . It is located in the Grymforge, a dwarven stronghold in the Underdark. After you place the Mould, put the mithril ore in, and trigger the hammer, then the lava, enters the golem, - the lava will bug out, thus you will need to go to Turn. Baldurs's gate 3 is an early access game that is being developed by Larian studios. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. It's also got the "Sturdy" property which automatically reduces damage below a certain threshold. It's also got the "Sturdy" property which automatically reduces damage below a certain threshold. This guide will allow you to craft both your Mithral ore into items. This Mithral Vein is immune to most damage types except for bludgeoning damage. RELATED: Baldur's Gate 3: All Negative Combat Status Effects, Explained. There are two Mithral ore veins you can quickly find in Baldur’s Gate 3: Mithral Ore Vein 1: This vein is located in the Goblin City, specifically in the Underdark region. The first location of the Mithral Ore can be reached by heading south of the Ancient Forge, then jumping over a river of lava after going down a cliff near the X: -644 Y: 257 coordinate. 31K Online. Equipment Features provide passive effects or new conditions that will help you in combat. Showing the location for the 2 Mithril veins for the Adamantine forge in Baldurs gate 3Baldurs's gate 3 is an early access game that is being developed by La. Shield. Here's the step-by-step guide: Place the Mithral Ore in the central node, ensuring its proper positioning. You can make your way back up by teleporting to the Ancient Forge Sigil from your map. Getting Started. You can make your way back up by teleporting to the Ancient Forge Sigil from your map. Swift Hitter is an Equipment Feature in Baldur's Gate 3. #4. The Adamantine Forge, tucked away in the Underdark’s depths, can transform Mithral Ore into formidable equipment that can turn the tide of. Getting Started. RELATED: Baldur's Gate 3: All. 1. Getting Started. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Beginner Guides & Tips. This article is part of a directory: Baldur's Gate 3: Complete Guide & Walkthrough. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. The first Mithral Vein can be discovered after reaching the. You can find both Mithral Ores in Grymforge within the Underdark. The 3rd level of Spellhold labyrinth is detailed on this page, including an abbreviated walkthrough. 99, Larian announced Thursday. A remnant of adamantine - a metal of old used to make legendary weapons and armour. Baldur's Gate 3 Review. Baldur’s Gate 3 can be an absolutely gorgeous game, letting you inspect every pore on characters. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. Just break it to mine. Loot the Mithral Ore. Where to find the first Mithral Ore in BG3. Sir, the only material to rival adamantine in DnD is tarrasque's carapace. The first mithril ore vein can be found in the Abandoned Temple at around coordinates X 646, Y 255. The only problem is, they have no idea where it is. By Omer Dursun On Aug 8, 2023. I forged one item and then went to find the second mithral. Once you cross the river, you will come across a hidden alcove. Also, there were two Mithral veins that each yielded a Mithral ore. Boss is just a gimmick fight so you probs don’t have to rest after the other path. You just have to find the way to get to the forge. Head southwest from the Ancient Forge Waypoint. Two mithril ingots on a shelf started glowing and the generic Tav "that's. I was able to craft two shields, one scale mail, and two splint armors. Mithral Field Plate Armor +2. Directly ahead, you will spot a Mithral. Lower the platform back down and then add the lava and activate the forge hammer again. It's also got the "Sturdy" property which automatically reduces damage below a certain threshold. Take the time to thoroughly explore every corner, as Mithral veins can be tucked away in the most unexpected places. Ingots and gems in Baldur's Gate 3 are mostly useless and should be sold to vendors for their gold value. Aktuelle Favoriten. To make some magic items of mythic capabilities in Baldur's Gate 3, gamers will need to mine ultra-rare Mithral Ore from a node. But there is an exception. I could craft another Splint Mail for my Ranger character (using a heavy crossbow), he is proficient in Heavy Armour, or a shield to accompany. Tombelthen's Journal (2nd half) informs the player where the Mithral is located, but it can be found by. RELATED: Baldur's Gate 3: All Negative Combat Status Effects, Explained. Adamantine Backlash: When a melee attack hits you, the attacker is sent Reeling for Duration: 2 turns. Then you put in the mould, mithril in the forge, pull the lever on the side to go down and turn the lava valve. CharlesTheBRO. Getting Started. A video guide by Super mecka death Christ on how to find the two Mithril veins for the Adamantine forge in Baldurs gate 3, an early access game by Larian. 2. During Early Access, the only craftable Armor Equipment is done by progressing through The Adamantine Forge quest. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. Aug 26 @ 8:09am Help me decide on which Mithral equipment to craft I've already crafted a splint mail for Shadowheart (Life Cleric). RELATED: Baldur's Gate 3: All Negative Combat Status Effects, Explained. Currently, there are two Mithral Veins that players can break to farm Mithral Ore in BG3. The easiest might be to read about it in The Great Furnace of Grymforge, which is found on the body of a dead drow in Ebonlake Grotto. 1,633 kudos. Very frustrating if I can't get to fix this. Get more Mithral Ore  in an immersive way and with a variety of possibilities. Originally posted by SnarkOne: There are 3 notable things to do in Grymforge. Mithral Ore bụ ihe bara uru nka nka na egwuregwu Baldur's Gate 3. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth. steampowered. 31K Online. In this small area, you'll also discover another precious Mithral Ore. #2. This Mithral Vein is immune to most damage types except for. One of them don’t use adamantine ore but dwarves craft: Mithril is combined with steel, varying alloys of iron, to create an extremely hard and durable known as adamantine. Fast-traveling to the Grymforge Area. The Adamantine Forge is a secret location in Baldur’s Gate 3 that allows you to craft powerful weapons and armor. It turns out using the Adamantine Forge to craft any of the available weapons will result in a blue rarity variety of each respective weapon, each of which has the. To reach the location of the Ancient Temple in Baldur’s Gate 3, follow the steps; Use Fast-Travel to enter the Grymforge Area. The Adamantine Forge will take mithril ore and turn it into a new magnificent piece of equipment. This Mithral Vein is immune to most damage types except for. To make some magic items of mythic capabilities in Baldur's Gate 3, gamers will need to mine ultra-rare Mithral Ore from a node. opening the crucible and inserting some mithril ore, 3. Initial Release. The Adamantine Forge is a Quest in Baldur's Gate 3. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Changelogs. As we know, most ores are mined through veins like gold veins, diamond veins, etc. There's only 2 Mithral ore in the game, so you can only choose 2 items I think. #1. Use Feather Fall or other mobility spells to safely get across. Another quick and simple mod that adds additional Mithral Ore to Grym when you defeat him. Join. Longsword Mould, Scimitar Mould, Shield Mould, Mace Mould, Splint Mould, and Scale Mail Mould and two location of Mithral Ore. Keep in mind, though, that the ore alone won't do you any good without the. Image 1 of 4. In the sub-quest, Lord Tombelthen is looking for a cache of Mithral hidden in the Temple Ruins. It features a rich story with multiple outcomes for almost every encounter, and plenty of character customization features including more races, classes, subclasses and party combinations than you are ever likely to explore. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. The Mithral Vein on the node is immune to most damage types, so you will need a weapon with. It is in a place called Grymforge, which is deep in the Underdark. This Mithral Vein is immune to most damage types except for bludgeoning damage. Keep the list. After defeating them, move to the rocks southwest and follow the path to a lava-filled area. Reply replyI think we should have a different version of this cosmetics to use on different characters, instead of locking them for certain characters. Loot the Mithral Ore. Version. This article is part of a directory: Baldur's Gate 3: Complete Guide & Walkthrough. I have lost (sold) mythril ore. A new game is needed to make all new Ore Veins drop ore, but the rest will work even in ongoing game. A na-eji ya mepụta ihe ọhụrụ nwere ike inyere ndị egwuregwu aka ịlanarị n'Alaeze echefuru echefu. Forged Items in Baldur's Gate 3 features items that can be Crafted using the Adamantine Forge at Grymforge. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. This is a bit late but I fixed the bug by doing this: (context: I later collected the 2nd mithril ore after defeating Grym and raising the platform. This Mithral Vein is immune to most damage types except for bludgeoning damage. Adamantine Forge Location – Baldur’s Gate 3. The Mithral Vein is immune to most damage types, but bludgeoning damage is. After you have broken the vein, pick up a small piece. Total DLs. Around the area, players can find molds and veins of Mithral rocks which can be attacked to drop Mithral Ore. In fact it is so light, that it allows the wearer to use thieving skills without any. RELATED: Baldur's Gate 3: All Negative Combat Status Effects, Explained. A new game is needed to make all new Ore Veins drop ore, but the rest will work even in ongoing game. To make some magic items of mythic capabilities in Baldur's Gate 3, gamers will need to mine ultra-rare Mithral Ore from a node. My game has crashed three times in a row right after I destroy a Mithral Vein thingy I just found at Grymforge. Baldur’s Gate 3 Mithral Locations There are two locations in the Ancient Forge where you can get your hands on some Mithral in Baldur’s Gate 3, and both are. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. On the steps leading down to the Forge, follow the rocks east. Directly ahead, you will spot a Mithral Vein at coordinates (X: 646, Y: 255) in BG3. The Mithral Ore can be located in the following places: Lava Pit near the Ancient Forge Waypoint. This Mithral Vein is immune to most damage types except for bludgeoning damage. Attack the Mithral Vein until its HP is gone. Luego, interactúa con el crisol en el centro de la forja para colocar algo de mineral de mithril debajo de su martillo. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth. When you reach the Adamantine Forge, you can finally make use of both your Mithral Ore and moulds in Baldur’s Gate 3. With these instructions in mind, players can embark on this thrilling adventure and discover the secrets of the Adamantine Forge in Baldur’s Gate 3. bat” file in “bin” folder. In addition, if players are willing to jump across the bridge, they can use a floating. Switch party members to somebody with high. Baldur’s Gate 3 is an immersive roleplaying game set in the Dungeons & Dragons universe. Mithral Ore Locations. So some people say you can only use the forge twice and it "breaks". There are a few exceptions, such as Infernal Iron needed for Karlach's quest and Mithral. Shields can be equipped to character's off-hand in their designated inventory slot and provide different effects ranging from increased Saving Throws, to gaining Advantage on certain attacks. The Adamantine Forge is a Baldur’s Gate 3 quest that requires you to use it to craft a weapon or piece of armor. Which items did you make in the adamantine forge? I have only two mithril ores and must choose between the available moulds.